18th 2013
Buenos Dias Familia!
So we found out that we have a pet living outside our house.
We call him "Stussy" it looks like a hamster and it just digs holes all
the time ha-ha. Also it was Elder Maughan's b-day and we threw him two B-day
parties with two different families. He’s finally 19! My son is growing up. hahaha
All right so this week has been crazy, but amazing! So where
I am in L.A. is calm but there are still a lot of gangs and stuff. It has its
ghetto parts. Sadly, a boy in High school was shot and killed actually on
the street next to us. It was a drive by and it was just crazy. It just makes
me realize how messed up the world is though. It's sad also because you
honestly don't know what can happen next. The thing you should be worried about
is if you are following God's plan or not. And I love how we take this message
to people and let them know what their purpose is here on earth. We had a chance
to meet with this family and there was this girl that's 17 and she was actually
friends with this kid that just passed away. We taught her the "Plan of
HAPPINESS" testified and now she has accepted a baptismal date. She and
her older sister both have. They actually came to church yesterday and
loved it. They can feel the spirit. What we teach can literally bring joy and
peace to people's lives and I love that because we are the one's that share it
with others. We knock on their door and turn their life around with this gospel.
This church is true and it can help anyone out, no matter what situation they
are in. Pray for every missionary and pray that you too can find someone you
can share the Gospel with. Put God first always.
Love you all, Elder Puertas!
Shout out to some B-DAY
people! Zully, my brother Carrie and sister Isa!
Hopefully I didn't miss anyone... I love you guys and Happy
Stussy |